His royalties from his boyband days have dried up, he revealed. According to The Sun, He was concerned this employment support allowance was going to be cut.
"If they cut my benefits and I have to go back to gigging then if something happens to me then it will be their fault and it will be on their shoulders. They know my life's in danger."
In the video he uploaded to his own YouTube channel, he calls a staff member at a benefit's office a "f****ing d***head".
English pop group East 17, circa 1995. From left to right, Terry Coldwell, Brian Harvey, John Hendy and Tony Mortimer. Photo / Getty Images
"You're bullies mate, you're bullies. Who you talking to? You wouldn't have a f***ing job if it wasn't for me paying tax. F**k you, f**k the lot of you. Sl*gs."
The outburst is the latest hit in a long downward spiral for the former East 17 lead singer, who has mental health problems.
In 1997 Harvey was kicked out of East 17, later renamed E-17, following his controversial comments that seemed to condone the use of ecstasy.
A few years later in 2001, he suffered a head injury after being attacked in a nightclub, and he featured on I'm A Celebrity in 2004. He quit the show after getting into an argument with another contestant.
He was lucky to be alive after he fell under the wheel of his vehicle in 2005. He walked away with a broken pelvis, ribs and a punctured lung.
Harvey maintains he didn't deliberately fall out of his car and had instead opened his door to vomit.