• Brothers Simon and Shannon Vos earned $335,000 at auction - plus the $100,000 prize money - as their apartment sold for $1.9million • Couples Darren and Deanne and Michael and Carlene each won just $10,000 as their apartments sold for less than $1.4million • Underdogs Chris and Jenna came second, winning $310,000 • Newlyweds Max and Karstan won $40,000 as their apartment sold for $1.7million
Michael and Carlene were left stunned by the results
It was meant to be the day their dreams came true but The Block: Glasshouse family was left shattered after brothers Shannon and Simon Vos won close to half a million dollars - while two couples walked away with just $10,000.
The episode, which shocked Australian viewers when it screened in October, played here on TV3 last night.
But unlike Kiwi winners Alex and Corban, who shared their prize money with losing couple Ben and Quinn in last year's series of the Block NZ, Glasshouse winners Simon and Shannon kept their winnings to themselves.
The unexpected auction results left both contestants and hosts reeling.
"God knows what happened" said host Shelley Craft. "Scotty and I, and the whole production crew, never want it to end like this.
"They're broken, particularly Dee and Darren, who have left their kids home for a long period of time - and Michael and Carlene have got two little kids that they left at home."
Past series have seen contestants walk away with hundreds of thousands of dollars profit. And at first, it seemed this series would be no different.
Expectations were high as brothers Simon and Shannon and married couple Chris and Jenna took home more than $300,000 above their reserves. But it soon became clear that the ending wasn't going to be so happy for the others.
"I'm flabbergasted," host Scott Cam said after Maxine and Karstan, who had been show frontrunners and judge favourites in the lead up, earned only $40K.
"I'm shocked," said Max reduced to tears as the results came through, while her husband Karstan was equally dumbfounded, saying, "What can you say?"
Things went from bad to worse as Dee and Darren were the next couple to face the auctioneers hammer.
"I'm shocked," said Darren referring to Maxine and Karstan's surprise result, but moments later he and wife Deanne were left lost for words as they took home a measly $10,000.
It was a small reward for weeks of sleepless nights while they juggled caring for their sick daughter and managing the show's demands.
Preparing for more fallout Scott Cam counselled Michael and Carlene ahead of their auction, saying: "We want you to make money, you deserve to make money.
"You're great people, how you've conducted yourself on the show," he said.
Darren and Dee made just $10,000 at auction.
The couple were reduced to tears as they struggled to even hit their reserve price, but eventually earned a paltry $10,000 - putting them in joint last position alongside Dee and Darren.
Speaking about the auction later, Dee said: "They're not the results that anyone would have expected. As far as real estate goes, it's a bizarre outcome."
She also revealed going on the show left the couple in debt.
"None of us has earned any money... so not only that we didn't come out with anything, we're in the red from it."
"People have to understand we all put our lives on hold," she went on. "We started filming in April - we're in October, so none of us have earned any money.
"Michael and Carlene and Daz and I, we've got mortgages.
"It's an expensive exercise to take the risk to go on that show. It's really not a great scenario."
Winners are grinners - Simon and Shannon celebrate their result.
Meanwhile, winner Shannon Voss revealed contestants are paid $700 a week per person to help them with finances through the show.
But while the sacrifice for the painter and his plumber brother Shannon netted them a win of $435,000, Deanne and equal last-place winners Michael and Carlene only earned the $10,000 each.
The sale of Deanne's apartment for $1.38m - just $10,000 above the reserve of $1.37m- saw the renovator walk back into the holding room in tears, after the mum-of-two had reportedly snubbed the auctioneer.
After the hammer fell on her apartment, shocked Deanne told the show's cast, 'I'm going to take the f*****g Bromley's [artworks]. It's a bad tale all round."
While Maxine Stokes backed her, saying "all of us are coming back here and we are going to raid it."
The disappointment saw the planned wrap party cancelled, with contestants instead opting to go for a quiet drink instead.
, Simon and Shannon landed a modelling contract with international agency London MGT Group. Shannon also married his girlfriend Lisa after the series wrapped.
came away winners on auction night - and kept a little secret under their hats. Jenna is expecting a baby, due in June.
Max and Karstan
Karstan and Max
They may have got a free wedding out of the show but Max and Karstan were left disappointed with their $40,000 winnings. Since then, the pair have launched a home decor business, Poppy Smith Design, in a second attempt to cash in on