Guillermo del Toro's filmography is more mixed than the lolly pick 'n' mix bin at the supermarket. For every delicious jet plane or sugary banana, there's a disappointing jelly snake or jelly bean lurking in the bag - and yes, we are looking at you Pacific Rim...
But fret not novice film fan, our handy Guillermo guide will see you right and offer nothing but a satisfying viewing treat.
READ MORE: 'Horror goes hand in hand with the times'
5: Hellboy
There's no doubt that 2004's Hellboy played a large part in legitimising comic book movies, contributing to the cinematic super-takeover of today. del Toro's love of the source material, his unique Gothic visual style and an absolute pearler of a performance by Ron Perlman as the wisecracking, cigar chewing, kitten loving, demonic son of Satan make it a thoroughly enjoyable and unusual super-romp.
4: Cronos
In his cinematic debut, Del Toro laid down the obsessions that would blueprint his career. The dramatic horror is gory, visually stylish, and offers a wildly original take on classic mythology and religion. Released in 1994, well before vampires were cool, this take on the human bloodsuckers explored their curse of immortality, cloaking it in macabre mysticism and splattering blood all over the screen.