Nothing says things are getting serious like a tantrum and tonight's episode gave us just that.
Lydia decided to tell Moses she was going home, and it was Dev 2.0 until Moses charmed her and they "had a moment" resulting in Lydia being unable to deny the Bachelor's chivalry.
Lou felt Moses had forgotten her, so Shenae encouraged her to go and talk to him, but Art made everyone pee their pants when he hit the gong and announced a rose ceremony.
Lana and Annie were the first to secure a rose and their faces said it all while Lou, Negin and Lydia made up the final three.
"I'm not taking it," Lydia whispered to Lou. Ooh, the drama!
"He still sees me and it's such a nice feeling," Lou said as she accepted the final rose and Negin said goodbye to the girls with her head held high. Yas Queen.
Shenae shared her thoughts about the ceremony, "It's almost like Lydia has been given a free pass." Uh oh - trouble in the mansion and Lana got a single date much to her and Lydia's surprise.
Lydia had a slight tantrum and wrote Moses' name on an orange then threw it over the cliff to release her feelings with Annie beside her as emotional support.
Moses took Lana on a pottery date and they mimicked the romantic scene in the movie Ghost. Moses was stoked but Lana? Not so much. She continuously told the confession cam how "cringe" it was and things got worse when they kissed a pottery cup.
While it might not be a pash on the lips, it's close so I'll take it.
Moses successfully lightened the mood of the date by shoving a handful of chips into his mouth and Lana said she felt disconnected from herself and Moses yesterday, but he said he felt proud of her for everything she did.
The vibes between these two are not what I would call romantic, but they do seem to centre each other, then again, maybe I'm wrong. "I kind of need her to trust me," said the man dating five women at once.
At the mansion, Annie said, "I'm so over this **** chat all the time." And she hid away in her room painting her nails with a teen angst vibe.
Lana told the girls how "cringe" her date was and Shenae said, "If she's constantly thinking he's cheesy, this cant be a good sign. I think it's a red flag". Call her out, Shenae.
Moving on to the BEST group date I've ever seen.
Chanel and Annie – Chananie, were team Art and Shenae and Lydia were team Moses in another thrilling segment of Bach vs Bach: the decider.
"I really need to prove to myself and fellow Bachelors that there can only be one, and that's me." I'll give you one guess as to who said this and yes, it was Art.
Moses surprised Shenae, everyone else and himself when he did the splits, but he was no match for Art and Chananie.
Model behaviour.
"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the jungle," Art announced followed with a brilliant execution of their performance.
I don't know about you but I need an "Art the pole dancer" spin-off show and I need it now.
Upper body strength Art strikes again.
Chanel earnt one-on-one time with Moses and he very clearly said he won't be racing into anything serious with the winner. Well, that's not a very positive outlook.
At the cocktail party, Art said what we have all been thinking, "I noticed you are yet to pash anyone." And Moses was careful not to give anything away *facepalm*.
Moses pulled Annie away for a chat and GOLLY GOSH it was close to a kiss, so, so close. An inch to the right or the left and we would have had an ooh la la moment. But no, yet again we were left hanging with a kiss on the hand? Moses, please. I'm begging for lip on lip action with one of these ladies.
Moses then pulled Lou away and told the confession cam: "I can feel my mum watching this episode like you better choose her, she's a good Samoan woman." But did the complete opposite and friend-zoned her? It wasn't exactly clear but Lou came out of it thinking she didn't stand a chance.
Moses, how can you friendzone someone as cute as Lou?
And we finished the episode with Lydia telling Moses: "I really want to put all my cards on the table."
Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. See you tomorrow.
• The Bachelor New Zealand airs at 7.30 pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on TVNZ 2, and tune in to hear Sol3 Mio weekday mornings on Flava's breakfast show.
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