A national network which focuses on the links between the arts, creativity and wellbeing will be launched in Wellington today.
Te Ora Auaha Creative Wellbeing Alliance Aotearoa includes individuals, groups and organisations across the art, health, youth, social and education sectors that use arts to address mental health, youth at risk, social inclusion, ageing and social and cultural inequalities.
Peter O'Connor, professor in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland, says representatives have spent the last two years establishing the alliance which will be launched by Carmel Sepuloni, Minister of Social Development and Associate Minister for Arts Culture and Heritage.
It started with discussions in Auckland, where more than 100 individuals, groups and organisations have been identified as using the arts in various sectors, and is now nationwide.
"There are excellent examples of the arts being used to promote health and wellbeing in New Zealand hospitals, schools, community-based creative spaces, communities and prisons," says O'Connor. "However, we don't have the level of research, policy and investment that our international peers have."