1. F*** Rant: From experimental and performance artist extraordinaire Nisha Madhan, winner of last year's Auckland Fringe Hero Award and Best Performance Award. This show is Nisha "ranting" for 50 minutes straight.
2. A Womb with a View: An experience for one audience member at a time that allows them to return to the place we all came from and which none of us remember. The performers and audience re-imagine life in the womb. Each experience totally tailored to the person.
3. The Plastic Orgasm: Fearless performers Julia Croft and Virginia Frankovich + nudity + condiments. Highly experimental look at female-ness/sexuality. The performers may end up basking in red wine.
4. Welcome to Self Co: Do you feel that depression and anxiety can be like having a full-time job? Here's a play which explores the absurd nature of work and mental illness and whether you, too, can become a Depression Superstar? The ideal candidate will be a stressed-out individual with excellent self-loathing and low motivational skills, pays high attention to the negative details and a willingness to waste their time and give up on their dreams and goals!
5. It's a Trial: From the always excellent Binge Culture Collective, audiences get to duke it out over a case that has major implications for the future of the arts!