She moans to her mother that she took the wrong one from the bunch, and Alison tries to console her while warning her not to cry.
"That wasn't the one I wanted … I tried to get this one," whines Taylor.
Alison helps her grab another one, and a dazed, emotional Taylor says, "What do we do with this one now? It doesn't have a head! OK, I'm fine, fine."
Swift admitted to Fallon that "they give you some pretty hardcore pills following laser eye surgery."
She looked genuinely shocked and concerned though when Fallon went on to share the footage.
"You can't go to sleep eating a banana, OK," warns her mother in the clip as Taylor munches on the fruit in bed.
"I'm not asleep, my mind is alive." - Taylor Swift, 2019. Photo / Supplied "I'm not asleep, my mind is alive," Swift replies woozily.
Taylor then told Fallon about how #DrunkTaylor was trending on Twitter recently after she drank "two and a half mojitos".
"I go from like zero to legit thinking I'm a wizard in like two drinks," she says.
"This can be #LazikLover," Fallon said playfully, referring to her surgery and new album title.
"I can't even be mad, I'm just impressed you infiltrated my family like that," she says.
Swift's latest album Lover has broken a number of sales records for the singer and has attracted plenty of praise from critics.