1. She's the star attraction on Sports Illustrated's new swimsuit edition, and Kate Upton is continuing her time in the spotlight thanks to a banned advertisement. The 19-year-old hyped model stars in a controversial Zoo York clothing ad featuring two talking cockroaches making none-too-subtle jokes about her physique. It's been removed from US TV screens because of, well, see for yourself. And check out the NSFW ad here. (Daily Mail)
2. Anyone hanging out for new news on a Sin City sequel, today is your day. Reports out of Hollywood suggest director Robert Rodriguez is planning to film it straight after finishing Machete 2. Mate, flag that one and just do it. No word on whether Jessica Alba is up for playing a stripper again, or who exactly will be in it. But it's unlikely to be any less than R18 - after all, it's Sin City. (Hollywood Reporter)
3. After all the hype of that Kony movie, the charity behind it - Invisible Children - is starting to attract a fair bit of criticism. Here's UK media watchdog Charlie Brooker's take on it all. And yep, you guessed it - he's fired up. (Facebook)