It was the worst of times. The best time was when the damned thing finished. Last night's Dancing with the Stars was a shocker, a stinker, a howler, a Sunday horror. It was so bad that one of the dancers tripped over his own feet and fell on the floor - it was so bad that when it happened you couldn't much tell the difference from when he'd previously stayed upright. You can't really tell with short people.
But comical mayhem and disaster are part of the fabric of everyday life in New Zealand and the show is a cracked, accurate reflection of who we are and how we move. We're the kind of nation which warms to good old little Rog, the dancer who tripped over last night and fell like a teacup from the bedside table. He didn't smash. He picked himself up and carried on. The judges gave him pretty high marks. In some other franchises which film Dancing with the Stars, judges would have taken him out the back and shot him.

But he's not safe. Tonight's show will feature the very first dance-off of the latest series: the two dancers who receive the lowest combined scores will compete against each other in a duel. Rog is likely to be one of them.