Alas poor Naz. We didn't want to know her any more, but why? Why did she become the second contestant to be given the old heave-ho on last night's Dancing with the Stars? What had she done wrong, apart from land awkwardly and heavily into her partner's arms and break his leg?
He'll get over it. He knew the risks coming into the show. At any rate it was harsh to punish the beautiful and dynamic Naz for the mishap and the audience clearly felt the same. "Boo! Boo!", they chanted, and co-host Sharyn said, "This is not a happy place." She looked frightened. So did Dai Henwood. The two of them seemed to clutch at each other.

The camera drew back, as if preparing to catch the moment when audience members rose from their seats and ran amok, tipping over the wretched golden arches of the stage set, and burning it to the ground. Disco inferno. Burn baby burn.
Well, you can only hope. There is something rotten about the show that Naz, easily one of the best dancers, can be voted off while a rotten dancer like David Seymour should stay to stink up the joint. The judges gave Seymour a low, low 12 last night. It was about 11 more than he deserved. The song he chose to dance to was Bic Runga's Drive. Drive what, exactly? He moved with the speed and flair of some old arthritic fusspot making his way to the letterbox on a mobility scooter.