Zac Franich and Viarni Bright have opened up about what they expect from life now that the Bachelor is over.
Steph Rowe reviews last night's finale of The Bachelor.
T'was the eve of the biggest decision in TV history and Zac took Lily and Viarni home to meet his family. Bless Zac's mum Debbie, it felt like she was crying every 30 seconds.
I just hope someone gets her a camel back for his wedding. If she cries that easily she'll need more hydration than an IronMan athlete to make it through the ceremony.
Zac with his mum Deb.
Once the tears had dried, Debbie cut straight to the chase and let the ladies know she's keen on more grandies.
Debbie, let's just back up the bus for a moment here. Imagine meeting your in-laws for the first time and in the first 10 mins they're crying and asking about when you'll start a family and have little nippers running about?
Zac can arrange to have his little swimmers frozen Debbie, all is not lost. Damn it mum, you're so embarrassing.
Mama Debbie went on to give some more helpful advice to Lily: "If you win the mother, you'll win the son".
At this point I think I'd be finding the nearest exit and taking it.
Viarni meets Zac's mum Deb.
But what's this then? Debbie then lures the girls in the bedroom with her, asking them what their intentions are for her son.
Classic move Debbie, you're a bold woman and I won't hold that against you.
After the ladies had made it through the family visit, there was time for two last minute dates. Zac had a big old decision to make. Would he go with his well suited lobster or would he ruin my plans for NZ Bogan Bachelorette and choose Lily?
The ladies were making their way up to visit Zac to discover the fate of their potential future in-laws and then this came pouring out of Lily's mouth: "I actually feel a little bit nervous in my stomach. Feels like there's some large objects obstructing my stomach and maybe even my throat and I don't know what it is. But I'd like for it to not be there any more."
Lily didn't get her man, but she's still a star.
Seriously Lily. You're such an MVP, thank you for filling my nights with so many laughs.
She then climbed out of the car and there was Zac.
*Cue music* His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already, mum's spaghetti. I kid, I kid. There was no vomit because Zac would know better than to vomit up Debbie's spaghetti.
Then came the suckerpunch as Zac said he didn't want to cage the butterfly and let Lily go. Kudos to you brother, you made the right choice. Lily is way out of your league. She stokes her own fires and everything. What a woman.
Lily gets the bad news from Zac.
Instead of crying and being a damn hot mess, she wished Zac well and jumped in the car saying, "Good on Viarni". And THAT people is why Lily is the true winner and MVP of this show. What a little sweetheart. She was hurting but she was still so happy for the girl whose leg she licked one time.
Good on you Viarni, you've been a pretty well rounded lobster in this game. Now you and Zac can hold claws together and get on to making some grandies for our mate Debbie.
Too soon to make such a call? Yep. To be honest I'm already distracted with NZ Bogan Bachelorette (NZBB) now.