In the celebrity game, power is not all about money. It's a toughie to measure, but Spy knows who's on the up and who isn't. Here's our pick of those who have it; those who are gaining it; and those who are losing it fast...
Heather DuPlessis-Allan
The One News reporter lost all credibility last year when she posed in a rag puckering up to her man who is 33 years her senior. But not content to be Mrs Barry Soper, the ambitious young reporter has focussed on furthering her career and nailing some top stories on One News. While her hubby may whinge about his colleagues' coverage in Afghanistan, his missus is clawing her way back into our hearts. She's the new get-girl and we expect big things.
Anna Paquin
We claim her as our own but Anna Paquin has grown up and fled the coop to Tinseltown. The little girl with the large gulp and a bedazzled beret on the Oscar stage has grown up and become the sultry starlet on the hit vampire telly series. She's engaged to be married to a Brit and has two step-kids to care for. Paqs has morphed into America's sweetheart. Even her bisexuality confession has done little to tarnish her good girl reputation.
Duncan Garner
Little relevant Brian Edwards had a moan and friend of flowers, Chris Carter, did too. Duncan is making his mark on political journalism and ruffling some antiquated feathers. His father passed away this year, but Garner won't give up the fight to keep our politicians honest and accountable. Big-spending Carter may be stressed and in need of another massage, but that won't stop Garner from doing his job. All hail the king.
Dave Fane
He scored an own goal with his expletive-ridden Radio Roast rant, but I reckon the funny man has done his penance. Last week we heard new work projects are in the wings for Fane and we're pleased something good can come out of this. He is a sensitive man with an enormous talent for making us laugh. Cracks about the Jews and HIV sufferers were way off the mark, but that was a mere blip on the road that will be Fane's success.
Denise L'Estrange-Corbet
After signing up to an accidental swimming race last year, the fashion designer shed the pounds and gained a wetsuit. She's thinner, bitchier and glamorously greyer than ever before - and we love her! She's the only woman in New Zealand fashion who's prepared to keep it real and call it like it is.
Robin Brooke
Oh Robs, what can we say? We thought the tampon earrings and smeared lippy was bad, but then came the Fiji groping and now the sex scandal. Can it get any worse? Your celebrity pulling power is now largely worthless and you've become the laughing stock of the country. We hear there's more bad news to come and we are rubbing our manicured claws with glee at the prospect there's even juicier scandals in the wings. Watch this space.
Alison Mau
She says she's a journalist, so why isn't she reporting stories on Fair Go instead of just being the blonde dollybird presenter brought in to provide much-needed sex appeal alongside Kev's staid persona? The former Mrs Dallow appears to be happy to trade on her good looks and yet desperately wants to be taken seriously as a serious news journo. Seriously.
Shane Jones
Where did it all go so wrong? From flying high as the man tipped to be the first Maori prime minister to stealing Steve Crow's crown as the King of Porn, the political player has plummeted dramatically on the celebrity index making his stocks largely worthless. Or is it? His comeback role as the fill-in host on granny Maggie Barry's RadioLive show this week has been most entertaining. We like. And we suspect a career in broadcasting beckons.
Amber Peebles
The former Miss NZ struck the big time with her role on hip music television show MTV, but did she ever lose the beauty queen mantra that's cheesier than a Manchego factory? Peebs can now be seen flogging acne products on infomercials on cringe-worthy Good Morning. Still, we have some sympathy for the svelte brunette who has always played second fiddle to her painfully annoying hubby Brooke Howard-Smith who mortally embarrassed his long-suffering missus when he was exposed as a love rat cheat in a women's mag this year.
Sally Ridge
The arts and crafts columnist has had it tough this year. First there was the accidental phone message, the relationship split to baby daddy Adam Parore, the voluntary liquidation of undie company James & August, the Hawaii vacation with NZ's most hated couple Mark and Amanda Hotchin, and their cancellation of Sally's latest trip - a 10-day cruise around Europe. Could it get any worse? Then we hear the Freemans Bay house sold for less than expected and a visit to a Paris hospital was needed to care for a nasty little infection. And to top it off Jaime was in a serious car accident with her beau. That's enough for any woman to go a little potty.
Spy's stock market index
On the up - Anna Paquin (left). Photo / Supplied
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