One of Auckland’s most famous mansions and its rich list owner have been playing host to the three major right-leaning political parties.
Over the past three months, former Real Housewives of Auckland star Gilda Kirkpatrick has had events for Act leader David Seymour, NZ First’s Winston Peters and National MPfor Tamaki, Simon O’Connor.
They are not your typical political cottage meetings, where a handful of neighbours come to meet the candidate, instead soirees for more than 150 would-be voters at her more than $20m home - known as the Wedding Cake Mansion - which sits on the cliff of Paritai Drive, one of the country’s wealthiest streets and overlooks the city and the Waitematā.
“I am happy to host a political candidate or party who have ideas that are genuinely in the interest of New Zealand,” Kirkpatrick tells Spy.
“I believe as voters we have to be well informed in a non-biased way in order to make the correct choice for our future.”
Gilda Kirkpatrick performing in Dancing with the Stars in 2018. Photo / Three
The advertising agency owner and mother of two sons says she will not host Labour or the Greens.
“They’ve had every opportunity for the past six years to show us what they’re about. I do not align or support their mismanagements or their path for our country and our people.
Act Party leader MP David Seymour. Photo / Paul Taylor
“Labour and the Greens have instituted irrational and extremely damaging economic and social policies that have torn the very fabric of our once cohesive society apart and that I fear will take years to repair.”
Kirkpatrick’s home, where she has lived for 19 years, has seen its fair share of who’s who at her parties. She said the events for Act and NZ First were “my own events” and guests were able to engage in robust discussions with the politicians.
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters.
Photo / Michael Cunningham
“I mostly invited people who have genuine concern and interest in geopolitics and the future of our country.”
The National event on Friday was ticketed and more focused on Kirkpatrick’s own local electorate. It was billed as an event for the “Women of the National Party”. Along with O’Connor, National MP Melissa Lee was attending with future hopeful MPs Agnes Loheni, Rosemary Bourke, Hinurewa te Hau, Angee Nicholas, Rima Nahkle, Ruby Schaumkel and Nancy Lu.
Auckland Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, Kirkpatrick’s neighbour, fellow housewife Louise Wallace, and National Party President Sylvia Wood were also expected.
Before the event, Kirkpatrick told Spy it would be less intense.
“It’s a cocktail event with a diverse and interesting guest list, including some celebrities and politicos - complete with a gin bar.
“All the people who attend these gatherings have one thing in common, interest and concern about our country and the future of our people. Regardless of their views on individual politicians, they genuinely feel it is time to take their part seriously and help change the country’s dire status quo, for the sake of all New Zealanders and the future generations.”
Early last year, Kirkpatrick was in Wellington to protest the Covid-19 vaccination mandates. Fellow Housewife Anne Batley Burton was also there.
The $20.5m Ōrakei home of Gilda Kirkpatrick. Photo / Google Maps
“We witnessed a glimpse of how things can change overnight during Covid, it has happened in many countries before and it will happen in many countries again - I can’t ignore that reality,” she told Spy.
Kirkpatrick is a big presence on X (formerly Twitter) and is outspoken on her views on social issues.
She says she came to New Zealand from Iran 33 years ago because it was a free, democratic country with beautiful, hardworking people from every corner of the world.
“Growing up in Iran I saw the consequences when a government takes away freedoms. I believe that NZ First and to a lesser extent ACT and National understand the value of freedom and therefore I support their ideology.
“In the migrant communities, we all have something in common, we left for political, financial or just to make a better start.
“Immigrant communities have always worked and studied hard towards their dreams and goals. We like to protect this country from anything that could jeopardise its freedom and greatness.
“I’m sure if you speak to most immigrants, they’ll give you the same answer.”
She also wants to see, “the maintenance of personal freedom of speech, autonomy and respect for human rights and equality, clear positioning of political parties on co-governance, comprehensive agenda on our education curriculum within schools.”
Kirkpatrick lovingly renovated her home with trips to Iran for Persian antiques and art, which is meshed with designs from her favourite modern interior designers.
With its grandeur of marble floors, opulent red dining room, formal sitting room looking out to the harbour and a grand staircase that links open plan mixing and mingling, it’s a sure bet guests have come to visit the famous house as much as the politicians.