A slew of Kiwi stars are mopping up work across the Tasman. Sam Neill, Danielle Cormack, George Mason and JJ Fong are all starring in Aussie productions.
After a massive few years of non-stop work, Jurassic World: Dominion star and Aotearoa national treasure Neill, is headlining the big-name cast for The Twelve, a courtroom drama series for Foxtel.
The 10 one-hour episodes promise to re-shape the court room genre with its complex moral and ethical issues. The Twelve tells the story of 12 jurors, ordinary Australians with struggles of their own, who must decide the case of Kate Lawson, played by Fighting Season's Kate Mulvany, who is accused of killing a child.
Filmed in Sydney, Neill, 74, plays the part of defence barrister Brett Colby. Brooke Satchwell (who also co-starred with Neill in Ride Like a Girl,) plays Georgina, a mother-of-three who has been called for jury duty. A Place to Call Home star Marta Dusseldorp plays Lucy Bloom, the prosecution.