Reality contestant Samantha McKenzie is feeling protective about Bachelor Moses Mackay.
Reality contestant Samantha McKenzie is feeling protective about Bachelor Moses Mackay.
Two friends reunite and two Bachelorettes clash as the four intruders meet the original Bachelorettes at the Northland mansion on The Bachelor tomorrow night.
Intruder Suzanne Bamford-King is yet to be divorced and that rubs Samantha McKenzie up the wrong way.
"Technically I am still someone's wife," Bamford-King tells McKenzie.
"Well, it's brave of you to come on something like this. Obviously you're ready for someone new," retorts McKenzie, before she gets really pissed off.
Bamford-King then goes on to tell McKenzie that the show is a great platform to advocate for her organisation.
"Hold on, hold on – so you came on a dating show to advocate. What is going on?" a bewildered McKenzie asks.
"Cause it's like a platform that I can use to promote, my, the organisation that I co-founded." Bamford-King says.
Suzanne Bamford-King's marital status is rubbing some Bachelor NZ contestants up the wrong way.
McKenzie, who really is falling for Bachelor Moses Mackay, tells Bamford-King she is hoping to find love, and it's hard enough competing for the same person.
"We've had feelings and emotions involved and we've lost friends, and you're just here for the wrong reasons. Like, I am so pissed off right now," says McKenzie.
As viewers found out on Wednesday's show, Bamford-King was born and raised in the Philippines in a religious family, and has a rebellious streak. She was kicked out of Bible school when she was 18 and is bisexual. If things don't work out for Mackay, she hopes to perhaps find love with one of the bachelorettes.
Her platform is admirable. She launched Open Table Ministries, which is striving to create a more inclusive community and address issues such as banning conversion therapy.
McKenzie is sure to tell Mackay all.
On a more friendly intruder note, two besties from outside the show meet tomorrow night as Bachelorettes.
Devaney Davis has been feeling rejected by the main group of Bachelorettes and was overjoyed to see her great friend executive assistant Alana Meikle intrude.
"Earlier in the day when we were watching the boat with binoculars I could see the perfect blonde bob and a pink dress and I didn't think much of it at first, then the more I thought about it, the more I started to realise how well Alana would fit the criteria for being on this show," Davis tells Spy.
"I actually said to Art [Green] that I thought it was her but then when I looked back again I wasn't so sure, but when she arrived in the mansion it was so exciting!" she says.
Bachelorette besties Devaney Davis and Alana Meikle have been reunited.
Meikle says they both found out quite late in the piece that they were going on the show and didn't have a chance to discuss it.
"I did find it odd that she hadn't responded to one of the messages I had sent her before I went away, so it made sense when I saw her," says Meikle