My first job was... Two at the same time. A paper round and Video Ezy.
It taught me... There used to be money in newspapers and VHS! (Not much though, $3 and $5 per hour respectively)
My big break came... Probably when I met a guy called Andy at uni. That was the moment where we just decided to have a go at some things, and having a go at things puts you a lot more in the game than not having a go!
The last job I quit was... Self-assembling a shelf. I cracked it and paid someone $50 to come over and build it. Yes I felt like a wimp, yes, he was more of a man than me, but guess what, I got three hours of my Sunday back and it was the best money I ever spent.
The most famous person I've ever met is... Tom Hanks. The total King and Ultimate Gentleman of Hollywood.