Dreamboat British rocker
Pete Doherty
, who has a history of substance abuse, was arrested over the weekend after he was allegedly caught using drugs in a loo during a British Airways flight.
Kate Moss
Pete Doherty was arrested after allegedly taking drugs on board a flight. Photo / AP
Dreamboat British rocker
Pete Doherty
, who has a history of substance abuse, was arrested over the weekend after he was allegedly caught using drugs in a loo during a British Airways flight.
Kate Moss
' former squeeze, claims he has been "clean as a whistle" since he finished a stint in rehab earlier this year, but it looks as though old habits die hard and the walking pin cushion has reverted to his old ways again.
According to several online reports, specifically a lurid take on events by the
, 30-year-old Doherty was detained at an airport in Geneva, Switzerland, after flight attendants allegedly found him drunk and slumped in an on-board toilet with a hypodermic needle.
A snitch said: "A few people on the plane recognised Pete and he went to the bathroom more than halfway into the flight.
"He had been in there for about 25 minutes when the announcement came over the tannoy for the crew to prepare the flight for landing.
"The crew knocked on the door but Pete didn't come out. They eventually managed to get in 10 minutes before the plane landed."
"Pete was taken back to his seat and he looked completely out of it. One of the crew took the needle out of the toilet wrapped in a tissue." said a snitch to the
Daily Star.
Dreamboat was then escorted back to economy with the rest of the cattle, reportedly intoxicated.
The long arm of the Swiss law collared the tortured singer on touchdown, slapped him on the wrist for his deviant behaviour, and made him cough up the dough for an undisclosed fine.
A police spokesman said: "We were contacted by the captain of a BA flight and a passenger was controlled by police.
"He was charged - but I cannot say what with. He paid a fine and was allowed to go."
The singer then went on to perform at a gig at the Neuchatel Open Air Festival to promote his solo album.
Meanwhile, a BA snitch said: "We would investigate any discovery of a needle on board a plane thoroughly.
"Ultimately we could ban any passenger from travelling with us in future."
A spokesman for Doherty declined to comment.
Doherty's latest relapse is a huge setback for the singer who has recently spoken out about his desire to stay clean for the sake of his career and his son Astlie, five.
"I'm sick of going around in circles. I'm clean now and I'm going to stay that way this year - apart from the fags and the booze," he said.
And during several interviews earlier this year he claimed to have quit all drugs.
In one candid interview he said: "I want to be remembered for my music, not the drugs or who I dated."
Good luck with that one.
Crack is whack, Doherty - crack is whack. Just ask
Whitney "she no longer has a problem" Houston
That's right, boys and girls, Houston's now officially a B.I.T.C.H (Babe In Total Control of Herself). The diva with a voice that can strip paint off a wall at fifty paces is back.
She's dropping her new groove, her first album in six years, on September 1, and it's rumoured to be a blinder. Tenaciously-titled
, the album reportedly features collaborations with
Sean Garrett
R Kelly
Swizz Beatz
One of the rumoured tracks from the hotly-anticipated album,
, a duet between
and Houston, leaked online last year.
No word if this song made the final cut of the album.
Houston, and why we'll aaaaaaa-a-always love her tortured diva soul
That's right, baby, you can't keep a good one down for long.
Quote of the day
"Oh my God! Screen kissing is f***** gross. This one kid I had to kiss had just eaten. And he passed a piece of whatever it was into my mouth. Not on purpose, like it was in his tooth or something. And it was really salty. I almost cried. I was a bitch for the rest of the day."
Only for the rest of the day,
Megan Fox
Tweet revenge
Dr. Drew
has had a bit of a go at walking tabloid and general mess
Linday Lohan
. He's worried for her mortal soul and is convinced she'll have to lose a limb before she finds the road to redemption. Grim.
The doc said: "I'm convinced that she'll get sober one day. But I'm afraid that between now and then, she may get a nearly mortal wound of some type. I'm really convinced that something horrible is going to have to happen to her before she really gets over it and embraces sobriety. She needs to give it up. And it's going to be a while before she does.
I have this image that she's going to lose a limb or something before she does. And it scares me
To which Li-Lo replied on her Twitter page:
"I thought REAL doctors talk to patients in offices behind closed doors. Am I wrong? Hmmmmm. I think NOT! Yay!"
Stick that in your stethoscope.
Everyone's talking about...
Gwyneth Paltrow
's suspiciously slippery legs on the
Tonight Show
Those pins look like they've been dipped in chip fat. Why so much grease on the wheels, Gwynnie?
Look surprised
A nude painting of former lovebirds
Guy Ritchie
has failed to sell at auction.
The painting, created by a chap called
Peter Howson
, depicts the Material Girl as a naked, wanton, muscled-up matriarch, while sausage-fingered beefcake ex
Guy Ritchie
looks on adoringly.
But, shock horror, the masterpiece, estimated to sell at $39,000, failed to shift at auction.
Have a butchers at the painting
That's the fugliest thing we've ever clapped eyes on. That's what evil looks like. Throw it in a ditch and let it rot for all eternity.
She likes big butts
Cameron Diaz
is not happy with the size of her rear end. She want it supersized.
"I'd love a bigger butt, more meat on my bones," she says in the latest issue of
Marie Claire
magazine. "I'd love to be more voluptuous. It's just not my body type," she adds.
Chuck her a burger and a custard slice. Bob's your uncle.
Blind bits
Naughty secrets, dirty scandals...
rehabbed starlet
is back in the tangled web of getting drunk every night?"
Hollywood starlet
left fans gagging into their champagne flutes as she scoffed mini burgers - then fled to the loos to bring them all up?"
going through a divorce
told a pal over lunch four years ago, 'I've had several abortions. If my husband ever found out, he'd throw me out of the house?"' Looks like he found out."
macho A-list actor
was annoyed to find press at a recent gala because he hadn't 'put on [his] makeup yet'?"
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Authortities previously revealed the pair tested negative for carbon monoxide.