FKA Twigs says it is "the worst thing I've ever been through in the whole of my life". Video / Bang Showbiz via AP
English singer-songwriter Singer FKA Twigs (Tahliah Debrett Barnett) is suing actor Shia LaBeouf for physical, emotional and mental abuse during their relationship.
Speaking with the New York Times, Twigs said her experience with LaBeouf was "the worst thing I've ever been through in the whole of my life".
The New York Times said Twigs filed the lawsuit in Los Angeles.
The lawsuit alleges the actor took his seatbelt off during a car ride threatening to crash.
Shia LaBeouf and FKA Twigs are spotted on the Seine river in 2019. Photo / Getty Images
The lawsuit describes a time in the relationship when LaBeouf threatened to remove his seatbelt and crash the car unless Twigs told him she loved him during a trip to the desert.
It is believed LaBeouf made a stop at a nearby petrol station after the singer begged him to stop and let her out of the car.
When Twigs got out of the car and grabbed her bags, LaBeouf allegedly threw her against the car, screaming in her face forcing her back into the car.
Before this incident, she says she woke up one night to find LaBeouf choking her.
Speaking with the New York Times LaBeouf's former girlfriend Karolyn Pho, described similar allegations related to her relationship with the actor.
She claims he pinned her to the bed while drunk and head butted her until she bled. The lawsuit also alleged the actor knowingly gave the singer an STD.
LaBeouf told the Times "many of these allegations are not true" he also said he wasn't in a position to 'defend any of my actions'.
He blamed his alcoholism and PTSD.
FKA Twigs is 32-years-old. Photo / Getty Images
"I owe these women the opportunity to air their statements publicly and accept accountability for those thing I have done. As someone in recovery, I have to face almost daily reminders of things I did say and do when I was drinking," he said.
"It has always been easy for me to accept responsibility when my behavior reflects poorly on myself, but it's much harder to accept the knowledge that I may have caused great pain to others. I can't rewrite history. I can only accept it and work to be better in the future. I write this as a sober member of a twelve-step program and in therapy for my many failings.
"I am not cured of my PTSD and alcoholism, but I am committed to doing what I need to do to recover, and I will forever be sorry to the people that I may have harmed along the way."
The pair first met while filming Honey Boy a film LaBeouf wrote and Twigs started in, they started dating after filming had finished.
The pair dated for less than a year ending things in May 2019 due to work schedules.
The lawsuit claims LaBeouf was overly affectionate to start and then became controlling.
Insisting on rules, including how many times she had to show affection to him in a day.
She claims LaBeouf forced her to sleep naked and that he kept a loaded gun by the bed, the lawsuit claims Twigs was scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, in case LaBeouf would fire.
Shia LaBeouf is 34-years-old. Photo / Getty Images
The lawsuit mentioned LaBeouf did not like how she spoke or looked at male waitresses so Twigs started keeping her eyes down when men spoke to her, the lawsuit says.
The lawsuit details how LaBeouf started isolating her so much that she started doubting her creative team and her manager couldn't reach her.
Twigs said she began seeing a therapist who helped create a plan for her to leave.
She was packing to leave in spring 2019 when LaBeouf came to her house and allegedly 'violently grabbed' her in front of her housekeeper.
"He brought me so low, below myself, that the idea of leaving him and having to work myself back up just seemed impossible.
"What I went through with Shia was the worst thing I've ever been through in the whole of my life. I don't think people would ever think that it would happen to me. But I think that's the thing. It can happen to anybody."
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