"He was pedalling along, with his electric motor on, when the wheels suddenly went from under him after hitting a wet patch.
"He slipped and went flying over the handlebars into the middle of the road."
Despite his injuries in the two crashes, Cowell has reportedly insisted that he won't be hopping off his bike any time soon.
It's not the first time Cowell has come off his bike. Photo / Getty Images
After his earlier accident, he told ex Terri Seymour on ExtraTV: "My most creative time is now when I cycle, because I cycle even though it's an e-bike. I still got to pedal and I do about ten miles [16km] a day.
"That expression 'get back on your bike' - it was literal. I feel better than I did because I exercise so much more," Cowell said.
"Honestly, if I could rewind, I would have gone through the whole thing again. Just because I feel better now. Yeah, even though it hurt like hell at the time."
Metro UK contacted Cowell's representatives for comment.