6. We have a guy in Waiuku known as "Pothole". Don't know if it's because people are trying to dodge him or whether he's always in the road.
7. In the 1980s I worked at a factory in Britain. A young lad in the warehouse was called "Bungalow" ... because there was nothing up top.
8. A loose forward in a touring Lions rugby team was Peter Winterbottom. Teammates knew him as "Cold arse".
9. My last name is Pleasants. At school my fellow 13-year-olds called me "Nasty". A genius play on my surname.
10. There a guy known as "1080". Everybody hates him but he gets the job done.
Get in shape for summer with this...perhaps in Wellington.
Colours brought to life
Ashley (@ajesster) was legally blind when she was young. This is how she remembers colours described to her.
Yellow: I didn't touch anything for this, they just told me that whenever you laugh so hard you can't stop, that that happiness is what yellow looks like.
Green: I held soft leaves and wet grass. They told me green felt like life. To this day it is still very much my favourite colour.
Grey: They told me that the rain is grey, and that so is concrete or cement. That it is a hard colour, stern and with no personality. (Sorry grey, I like you now! But you scared me back then).
You can't see the criminals for the trees
Calgary, Canada wants to plant 15 new trees in a small nameless park surrounded by houses in Brentwood, but its efforts were stopped by unexpected resistance from Ellen Burgess who has been going door-to-door in the area because she thinks more trees could mean more crime. "If you give people more places to hide, more naughty things will be done," she said. (Source: CNN)
Video: To celebrate Sir David Attenborough's 90th birthday, the BBC did a series of videos in which animals reminisce about meeting him fir the first time.