MDZhB is the name of a mysterious radio station that has been broadcasting for nearly four decades, but that no one has ever claimed to operate. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week since 1982, MDZhB (pronounced MJB) has been broadcasting a dull,monotonous tone followed by a second, foghorn-like sound every few seconds. But every once in a while, about once or twice a week, someone will also utter some random phrase in Russian, like "dinghy" or "farming specialist", and then the droning sound returns. The mystery of MDZhB has fascinated radio enthusiasts around the world and theories regarding its purpose range from nuclear war triggering devices, to communicating with aliens. But, so far, no one has been able to crack the mystery of this radio station. One fairly terrifying theory is that MDZhB acts as a "Dead Hand" signal. In the case of a nuclear attack on Russia, the station would stop emitting, triggering an automatic nuclear response from the motherland. Another is that MDZhB, also known as "The Buzzer", is a means of communication with a network of illicit Russian spies all over the world. That seems less plausible though, as apart from the short phrases uttered by a male or female voice, there's nothing but droning sounds. A more intriguing explanation is that the droning is just a marker to stop people from using it, and the station only truly comes alive in moments of crisis, to instruct Russia's spy network and its military.
Soooooo true.
Hold on, where's the ladies?
The first public toilets in the second half of the 19th century were opened in workplaces, railway stations, parks, shops, pubs and restaurants, but the vast majority were strictly for men only. Victorian ladies were thought too modest to answer the call of nature when away from their homes. It has also been suggested it was a cynical ploy to keep women close to home as the lack of facilities meant they were unable to travel far – a restriction known as the "urinary leash". The first ladies' lavatories were opened in London's West End in the 1880s, meaning women could shop for longer. But conveniences for women remained rare until after World War l, when women won more social freedom.
Gorillas are in a semi-permanent state of flatulence, meaning they're always farting, due to the bacteria in their gut and the almost 20kg of vegetation they consume daily. They also sing while they eat.