Apps reach the nadir
We now have apps to analyse the quality of one's tongue-kissing; alert you when your zip is inadvertently down; make a refrigerator also be a stereo and photo album; notify you when you need to drink more water; check the male-female ratio at local bars so, if you're on the prowl, you can plan your evening efficiently; and reveal whether your partner has had someone else in bed while you were away (via differential contours of the mattress). And then, last month, the creators of the new South Park virtual reality game announced that they had figured out how to release a "fart" smell that is crucial to game-players when they put on the VR mask. (Source: News of the Weird)
Nicknames that fit the bill
1. A droll Scottish co-worker named our boss "bluebottle"- something that buzzes around annoyingly and settles where you don't want it.
2. We named a UK co-worker "Half-a-job-Haskins" as he would always come up with the guts of a solution and leave it to someone else to implement properly. Eventually we shortened him to "Halfers" .