Strange experiences with other peoples' parents
"When I was in high school, I was having dinner at my girlfriend's parents' place one night and she has two older brothers that were there as well. So I was setting my plate down at the table when suddenly I feel someone slap my ass, I turn around and it was her dad. We both just looked at each other and then he apologises and says he thought I was one of his sons. I could tell he was pretty embarrassed. That was an awkward dinner."
Say what? New words to slip into your next conversation ...
Overtourism: Where a site or destination becomes crowded out or in some way spoiled by too many visitors. Both Amsterdam and Venice have notably been struggling with overtourism this year.
Buddymoon: A honeymoon, but with friends and family (buddies) along for the trip.
Creepshot: Typically a non-consensual, sexualised photograph of a woman taken in public on a smartphone and shared on the internet. Creep refers to the discreet, voyeuristic, and inappropriate nature of the snapshot, hence shot. The images tend to be of buttocks and cleavage.