On Twitter Australian comedy writer Greg Larsen challenged his followers to pick someone who is universally agreed to be evil and he would "defend them and their actions using conservative logic." He did pretty well at it.
Jeffrey Epstein "Another example of class warfare. The lefthate him because through hard work he became rich. It's an obvious attempt by leftists to crucify him in the mainstream media without one shred of proof. I have literally not seen one shred of proof of his guilt."
Jack the Ripper "Criticise him all you want, but in a way he was good for the economy. Books, films, tourism, a whole genre of entertainment sprung up around him. Think of how many lives he has saved an enriched by helping the British economy. Facts don't care about your feelings."
COVID 19 "Literally the hardest working virus in 2020. Creating healthcare work, bringing people together, and by every measurable standard a raging success in the virus world but that doesn't fit the leftist narrative of "success = evil""
Vlad the Impaler "Of course the left are going to get hysterical because he has the word "Impaler" in his name. But facts don't care about your feelings. Were you there? How do you know he wasn't called the impaler for impaling a cob of corn onto some corn holders and the media spun the story?"
Wile E Coyote "Convenient that the footage starts on Wile E Coyote but we don't see what Roadrunner was doing before hand. So this violent antifa roadrunner could be speeding around, looking for trouble and violence and the footage starts right when the Coyote is defending himself."
Pricey sheep
A Texel lamb named Double Diamond and described as "genetically perfect" commanding a price of US$490,000 at a Scottish auction. The breed, originating from the tiny island of Texel, just off the coast of the Netherlands, routinely command five-figure prices at auctions, thanks to their lean meat and wool used for hosiery yarns, but a particularly special specimen just made other Texels look cheap. Double Diamond was a particularly perfect specimen and a trio of farmers joined forces and managed to outbid everyone else. The sheep will be paired off for a premium price, and as he gets older, his sperm will be collected for artificial insemination, so he can continue passing on his exceptional genes. One thing is for sure, Double Diamond will have a lot of work to do to justify his price tag.
Never let 5 year olds name calves...
Via Gareth Owen @GarethJOwen.
Honourable mentions in the thread include a cat named Stop Sign, A Katchit because we can't and a Goody Goody Yum Yum ( full title), a rabbit called Daisy Duck and a cat called Mash!
Julie Pearce of Matamata writes: 'Many years ago I spent about three months in National Women's Hospital with a problem pregnancy. One of my doctors was a lovely lady by the name of Dr. Conception."