Hurricanes used to be named only after women in 1953. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) had discovered that dubbing hurricanes with short, distinctive given names was a quicker and less error-prone method of referring to storms than the older, more cumbersome latitude-longitude identification approach. After feminist groups protested over the implied slur that women alone were tempestuous and unpredictable, men's names were also used for such weather phenomena beginning in 1979.
Describe yourself like a male author would . . .
1. She talked a lot, which didn't leave me much choice other than to drift off, appreciating her semi-see-through top. She was a beautiful mystery. I'd switch back on just in time to challenge the last thing she said.
2. She seemed cranky, like something irritating had happened to her every day for the past 10 years. I liked her haircut but the extent of her tattoos was frightening. She was totally focused on getting the kayak off the car with her kids' help, almost like men didn't even matter.
3. Her eyes blazed dark blue when she got excited. Even though she tended to middle-aged roundness, she had a neat waist. She was saying something about his car being on fire. He wondered if she had a daughter.