Fight Club for daycare kids aged 4-6
The first rule of Kid Fight Club is: You don't start a Kid Fight Club. Two former employees of a daycare in Cranford, New Jersey, are accused of encouraging children aged 4 to 6 to fight each other for their amusement and sharing video of the incidents on Snapchat. That footage may be the most damning piece of evidence in the case. One of the accused can be heard urging the children to fight each other and called it "Fight Club". Approximately a dozen boys and girls at the daycare centre can be seen in the video clips shoving each other to the ground and attempting to strike each other, prosecutors said. The pair deny the charges.
Eat up or the wait staff pounce
"Eating out is such an enjoyable experience around Auckland, but lately I've been noticing that wait staff have been changing the etiquette," writes a reader. "Is anyone else noticing that staff want to clear the tables before the last person has finished eating? It's standard good practice to wait until the last person has finished eating before clearing that course. My husband and I conducted an experiment one night, just the two of us at a small, quiet licensed restaurant, for me to prove my point. We almost finished eating, having left a bite or so each on our plates. We left our knife and fork apart on the plate then leaned in close to each other to talk privately. The waiter come up to the table, said 'Excuse me' then proceeded to clear the table! Anyone else have a similar story?"