Jacinda Ardern’s popularity revealed as the PM steps down, Fire crews respond to building fire overnight and prosecutors announce Alec Baldwin’s fate in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Susanna Salter was the first female mayor in the US and she came to power because of a prank. In 1887 a group of men hated the idea of women being involved in politics and decided to pull a prank. So, they submitted a list ofcandidates names from the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. They thought that no man would vote for a female mayor.
They wanted to humiliate the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Salter didn’t know about the prank until the local Republican Party sent representatives to her house to see if she was actually running for office. She went with it and became Mayor of Argonia, Kansas. She also won over 60 per cent of the votes.
This morning I noticed this ‘spare leg’ on a menu board outside a closed Remuera restaurant. Perhaps a taxidermy group had a catch-up, imbibed a few too many beersies at the pub down the road and someone ended up legless? However, it inspired a haiku...
Venison vandals
Hoof cannot wear its jandals
Deerly miss skipping
Reunited with wallet after 17 years
The owner of the wallet, Nicola Creighton, saw our shout-out in Sideswipe and explains how she lost her wallet. “I was visiting Auckland from Hawke’s Bay - out for a Kayak at Fergs Kayaks and had stashed my wallet and phone in the boot of my friend’s vehicle.
When we came back the car had been broken into and my wallet and phone were gone! I had hundreds of dollars worth of vouchers and a load of cash from my birthday (which I’m guessing won’t be in the wallet now!) Oddly, years later, I received a phone call (on my new cell to which I’d kept the same number) from a guy that had just been released from prison and had swapped a sim card for it while in jail and he wanted to know if I wanted my phone back!! So strange that the wallet’s now turned up 17 years later also!”