A recent study that looked at the brain patterns of crows when performing tasks found evidence that they "know what they know and can ponder the content of their own minds", an attribute that was previously thought to exist only in humans and some monkeys. The birds were aware of
Sideswipe: October 9: No need to crow about it

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Listen up blokes
A guide, for men, on how to offer constructive criticism to women on the internet about their bodies. Something you might encounter is women not adhering to unrealistic beauty standards. They may be over a certain arbitrary weight – for example, larger than a professional model – or have common features of the human body, like hair. Boost their self-esteem by saying you would definitely have sex with them. Make sure it is completely unprompted because ladies love surprises. It's your job to make sure famous women don't 'let themselves go' or show signs of getting older. And if a woman on the internet appears to be feeling good about herself, put a stop to it immediately. Also feel free to tell them 'Men don't like it when women do that' if they're doing something unfeminine like drinking a pint. (Read more at The Daily Mash)
Everyday people
Jacinda Ardern is standing by her call that a 2lt bottle of milk is $4.50 in the latest debate — the media's way of finding out if politicians are really in touch with everyday people — but on Twitter Rachel Peters reckons "if they were true everyday people they would just rattle off the current deals at McDonalds and KFC."