MMP equates to My Mince Pie
Allow me to explain MMP, Eva Allan writes. There's one mince and cheese pie left in the shop. It costs $5.
Bill has $4.50
Jacinda has $3.70
Winston has 70c
Couldn't work out the word for "sponge" so went with something generic.
Allow me to explain MMP, Eva Allan writes. There's one mince and cheese pie left in the shop. It costs $5.
Bill has $4.50
Jacinda has $3.70
Winston has 70c
James has 60c
and David has 5c.
No one has enough money to buy the pie themselves but Jacinda, Winston and James put their money together to buy the pie. Bill gets no pie because he needs 50c, but didn't have any friends to help him buy the pie. I hope this helps explain things.
The 1975 version of Skipper, the younger sister of Barbie, included a very unusual feature - moving her arm caused her to experience "plastic puberty" (as one reporter put it). (See a demo here) According to Wikipedia: " In 1975 Growing Up Skipper was released. The gimmick of the doll, which led to much controversy in the newspapers, was that if Skipper's arm was rotated, the doll would become an inch taller and small breasts would appear on her rubber torso. This concept was later used for Mattel's My Scene brand in 2007 with the 'Growing Up Glam' line, which was also controversial." That didn't stop Mattel making the same mistake again with Growing Up Glam Doll by Mattel. She grows vertically and her chest size doubles with a flick of a switch on her back. Also, who could forget "Pregnant Barbie" from 2002, complete with a removable newborn. (That doll was pulled from shelves later that year.) (Via MessyNessy)
A reader remembers: "Charles and Di had just married. They were doing the "meet the people" NZ tour. In Tauranga 2000 high school kids waited side by side in the sun for over an hour for the couple. As they passed, one of my classmates gave the royals the two-fingered royal salute. Charles reciprocated, placing his arms discreetly behind, two fingers pointed down, with a slight curl up of his fingers. Unforgettable. Outcome? My classmate was expelled, but we did get a day off, only it had to be made up at the end of the year."
Susan says her absolute favourite word of all time is a Dutch one. "My Dad comes from The Netherlands and it is slabbetje, pronounced slobbecha, and it means bib. He always used this when we were growing up and I feel it is the perfect descriptive word!"
1. Popping an underground water bubble is a more satisfying watch than expected.
2. How balloons are made.
3.Are you in the 'gtting old department'?
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Town bustling with movie hype while megastar actor stays under radar.