Knowledge gap
1. A friend thought the snowflake button on her car's climate control was "winter mode" for driving and also she didn't think her car had air conditioning. She had owned it for years.
2. "On a map, is the blue part the water or the sky"?
3. I knew someone who insisted that, when parallel parking, "you're supposed to tap the car in front of you to make sure it's there."
4. Was watching The Martian with some friends. One of them turns to me and asks: "Did they film this ON Mars?"
5. Back in high school, a friend called me because he had a flat tyre. I asked if he needed me to come help change it and he said "well, it's only flat on one side ... "
6. Had a lady complain, "I've had soup du jour before and this is NOT soup du jour!"
(Via: Ask Reddit)
Not dystopian at all ...
Panasonic has designed a pair of high-tech blinkers that block out your peripheral vision to help you concentrate on the job at hand. Much like the blinders worn by race horses and the bonnets worn in TVs