"Someone farted in class the other day and a kid accused ME of doing it. I told them I don't fart in class and that, if I did, I would go out into the hallway. Now, anytime I leave the classroom, they ask: 'Are you going out to fart?' I am dead."
"A student asked me once if a word needed a 'flying comma'. He meant the apostrophe, but I think I'm going to call them flying commas from now on ..."
Still bitter after all this time
Raye Wills of Devonport writes: "I was 8 years old at primary school in the early 50s when they started a Savings Bank setup, with a bank book to watch savings grow. Parents gave me 2/6d a week to invest but also the same to my brother, three years younger. This scheme ceased at age 10 when starting Intermediate. He got five years of cash savings, I got two!"