Has resting disappointed face: If they can't conceal their dismay that perhaps you're not quite what they had in mind, imagine that face in church, perspiring and impassive, grunting, "I do." Or that face grimacing as you struggle to unload groceries from the car. That face creasing in disgust as
Sideswipe: October 17: Five dating red flags

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(Via The Guardian)
Still bitter over this...
"When I was 11, I did this school project on Kenya. I had to make a poster. I was docked 10 per cent because of 'poor presentation' - it was in the rubric, whatever, my poster did look pretty crappy - I'm not too mad. Someone else did Kenya also, and they got a perfect score... but their poster had Ethiopia labelled as Kenya on the map. This was a geography class. I was livid, and honestly, I'm still kinda mad. Like, I lose 10 points because my poster's a bit ugly, and she gets a perfect score even though her project has bad info on it?"
How is it their fault?

Hot vs cold showers
Most people prefer hot showers. They can help us sleep better by relieving body tension and stress, are good for muscle fatigue, and can improve arterial stiffness and circulation. But hot water also strips the skin of its natural oils, leading to dry, itchy skin and eventually eczema. Similarly, hot water can strip the hair of its natural oils, causing it to be drier. There is some scientific data to support the claim that cold showers may have an immune-boosting effect and cause an improvement in circulation. Then, when the water stops, your body has to work harder to warm itself back up, which is also why cold showers can help increase your metabolism, improve mental alertness and help relieve symptoms of depression. But wait - there are drawbacks. Submerging yourself in freezing cold water could cause the body to go into cold-water shock, the effects of which can result in anything from hyperventilation to heart attacks. The best solution is to take a warm, tepid shower and then finish off with cold rinse for the last few seconds to still reap the rewards of the cold water.