"Picking up our 5-year-old daughter from kindergarten, I am flagged down by the school's principal. He wordlessly hands me a drawing made by my daughter in art class. His facial expression is a combination of awkward embarrassment, empathy and a bit of consternation ...
Me: "Hey, honey, tell me about this picture you drew at school today!"
"I was the 'victim' of a disappearing instrumental gift," a user tells Reddit. "My bachelor uncle gave me a real, full-sized accordion when I was 10. It was so cool! After a couple of months it was gone. My parents had no idea where, it just disappeared. Being a kid, I eventually forgot about it. Until, years later after I had moved out, I was searching for something else in the crawl space and voila! In hindsight, I don't blame them. I thought it was hilarious to play Twinkle twinkle little star on the highest notes and get our Siberian husky to howl along."
Good corporate
A three-point belt is the standard seatbelt today. Y-shaped - a combination of the separate lap and sash belts, but unitised. In a collision the three-point belt spreads out the energy of the moving body over the chest, pelvis, and shoulders and is safer than the sash or lap belt on its own. Volvo introduced the first production three-point belt in 1959. The company then made the new seat belt design patent open, in the interest of safety, and made it available to other car manufacturers for free.
Chickens absorbed in their own reflections
Chickens looking through window in yesterday's Sideswipe. "The chickens are looking at nothing more, unbeknown to them, than their own reflections and wondering where the other chickens are," says Ben Tibbs of Glendowie. "To do this they have to stand side on which they are doing as they cannot discern the images front on - I have pigeons, pukeko and ducks that do exactly the same thing at my place in my ranch-slider. It is rather hilarious to watch from the other side."
Video: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton singing "(I've Had)The Time of My Life" is brilliant...