Are you familiar with the Chicxulub impactor? You know, the10km-wide asteroid that wiped out 75 per cent of the Earth's plant and animal species 66 million years ago? Well, it may also have caused a massive earthquake that went on for weeks. Research conducted by geologistHermann Bermúdez seems to suggest this. In 2014, while on Gorgonilla Island, Colombia, he found the asteroid deformed layers of mud and sandstone as much as 10 to 15 metres. Bermúdez also found evidence of liquefaction at the El Papalote exposure in Mexico, proving that some strong shaking did occur. Now, if it was true that the asteroid triggered a "mega-earthquake", how strong would that have been? About 50,000 times more than the magnitude 9.1 Sumatra earthquake in 2004.
A poster on Mumsnet needs some advice: "We have had issues with overly friendly neighbour since we moved in. The original divider between our back gardens was a low hedge, and she would come out and talk to us every single time we were out in the garden. And boy, can she talk. Eventually, we put up a 6ft fence on our side of the hedge. I'd tried to warm her up to the idea of this beforehand by saying we were thinking of getting a dog and needed a fence to keep it in. She put a step on her side and continued to pop up whenever we were out in the garden. My husband then planted bamboo along the fence which shot up over the summer and is now about 8ft. Last month, we saw from our bedroom window that a large trampoline had appeared in her garden. We assumed it was for her grandchildren and thought nothing of it. However, they don't use it, she does. When I was out in the garden a few weeks ago, she popped over the top of the bamboo, laughing hysterically, and shouting 'see what I've had to resort to! hahaha!' My husband says the bamboo will keep growing and eventually she won't be able to see over it, but I think this will take year as she must be hitting the 20ft mark at full jump height. We would also start losing light if we let it get that high. Is there any way to tell her directly to give us some privacy? Is there a gentle way to do it that won't hurt her feelings?"