Playing chicken in traffic
News nostalgia from 1975. Rather than installing expensive signs or speed bumps, Napa, California experimented with using chickens to slow down motorists on one of its streets - Streblow Drive, bordering Kennedy Park. They simply let 85 chickens roam the park and street at will. Said park superintendent Bob Pelusi: Only occasionally does an errant driver charge through the flock. In the nine months we've had the chickens on the job, we've lost 12 of them - gone in the line of duty, so to speak.

Different type of pot
There's a common misconception that Musical Youths number one hit in 1982, Pass the Dutchie, is a song about cannabis. In fact the song is about extreme poverty. The dutchie in the lyrics refers to a type of pot used for cooking. Its an easy mistake to make though because the song is actually a cover of a song released just one year earlier called Pass the Koutchie by the Mighty Diamonds, which was indeed a song all about cannabis. (Source: 1980s Childhood by Michael A. Johnson)