When the news broke that Dolly Parton had quietly given a million dollars to Vanderbilt University back in April to fund Covid-19 vaccine research, which was used to help develop the Modern vaccine, Gretchen McCulloch of Wired wrote some new lyrics to Parton's song Jolene.
Your virus is beyond compare With spikey bursts of auburn hair That covid, that corona emerald green Your lockdowns took up all the spring Your bubbles soft like summer rain The whole world waits alone for you Vaccine(@GretchenAMcC)
Have a flammable Xmas
Real romance
1. "Today at work I was on the drive-through and a man at the window wanted to pay for the person behind him. He said tell her I think she's hot. So she pulls up and I tell her and her eyes roll and she says 'that's my husband'."
2. "In high school I was dared to play 'gay chicken', which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are both really stubborn , neither of us wanted to loose. We've been married 14 years and we run a bed and breakfast with our adopted daughter. If that dude doesn't chicken out soon I'm going to thinking he's actually gay."