2. How much does a blue whale eat every day? If you guessed "a lot", you'd be right: a new study revealed that a blue whale eats between 10 to 20 tons of food a day, or about 20 to 50 million calories. To put that into perspective, that's the equivalent of about 80,000 Big Macs. Every. Single. Day.
3. In the midst of Greenland's pristine landscape lies a US Air Force base which was abandoned in 1947 and everything was left behind; dilapidated vehicles, asbestos-laden structures, and 10,000 leaking fuel barrels. The Inuits who live in the region call the rusted remains "American Flowers".
Kid logic
Jeanette writes: "Recalling my son, who'd worn glasses from 18 months old. When he was 3, told me he'd lost his glasses, I said to him, 'Well, you'll have to look for them!' His reply? 'How can I look for them, woman, when I haven't got them on'!"
Beef slider?
In Brazil, a cow escaped from a cattle ranch, wandered next door to a resort, climbed the stairs of the water slide and then made its way down the flume. The cow had been destined for the slaughterhouse but after this the owner of the ranch has decided to spare the animal and make it a pet - naming it Toboga ... the Portuguese word for slide. The most amazing part? The slide was only rated for 200kg. The cow clocked in at just over 300kg. That's some good water slide integrity there ... Video proof here.