A sleeping toddler sculpted by Duane Hanson is concerning New Yorkers after being displayed in an auction house's storefront window. Some passersby thought the artwork Baby in a Carriage, 1983 was a real baby who was somehow left unattended in a shop window. According to Reuters, some even entered the building to tell staff. The estimated price of the polyvinyl baby is $80,000-$120,000 - much cheaper than an actual child. Hanson, who died in 1996, was known for sculpting hyperrealistic people engaged in everyday life. This particular piece was said be sculpted after his son.Breakfast was a scream at Karen Turnbull's place the other day.
Muddled-up small talk
1. "You too" is a response I have used more than once when wished a happy birthday.
2. A colleague politely asked if she could ask a question. I muddled up "fire away" and "go ahead", telling her to "go away".
3. In a bistro in France, a friend had some lovely pea soup. With genuine enthusiasm she loudly declared, "you can really taste the pea-ness."