Scar horror
Q: What's the story behind your most impressive scar?
A: About 39 years ago I was ripped from a very comforting, fluidy cave and without my consent they severed my lifeline. As a result I have a permanent scar about 7 inches below my sternum that often collects lint. (Source
Now that's smart
A different kind of smarts. This happened at a fencing course held at a country school Malcolm Joint taught at. He writes: "The teacher in charge had discarded overalls into the boot of the car then closed the boot. The visiting tutor then realised that he had left the car keys in the pocket of his overalls. So the pair start removing the rear seat from the car to get at the keys. Along comes Roger (not his real name) and asks what the problem is. Now Roger is definitely not the brightest crayon in the box, but the teacher humours him as they struggle to remove the back seat. Roger opens the driver's door and pops the boot release. So much for academic brainpower."