Sweet, sweet lobbying
In 1979 James Mack, a confectionery manufacturer representative, told US government officials that banning candy sales from schools could lead to "injury, drug abuse and drinking". His reasoning was that candy provided children with an "island of pleasure", and if denied this they might seek out worse
things such as drugs. They might even "leave the school premises [to seek out candy] and encounter traffic hazards".
Puppy protection
To you, the puppy above is cute and pattable. To the bald eagle, it's a snack. That's a problem because bald eagle populations have surged thanks to conservation efforts. To improve their dogs' chances of staying safe from hungry bald eagles, some owners dress their dogs in armoured vests, such as the CoyoteVest pictured above. The Wall Street Journal reports: "Eagles are strong enough to carry a 12-pound salmon, so a four-pound dog is nothing," says Mark Robokoff, owner of AK Bark pet shop in Anchorage. His shop sells CoyoteVest, a protective jacket covered in Kevlar and spikes, intended to protect small pets from coyotes. Robokoff immediately recognised its potential in a state with an estimated 30,000 bald eagles. The vest is topped with bright red nylon whiskers that he says scare off the birds from above.