Twitter account @manwhohasitall highlights the phrasing often found in women's magazines and reverses it to be about men. Here are some of his best quips ...
1. "I genuinely don't have a problem with male politicians, as long as they are able to represent everyone, and not just men and men's issues."
2. "Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely fine with dads who work. It boosts their self esteem and gives them an identity beyond just 'dad'."
3. "I have absolutely nothing against fathers in the workforce, as long as they can concentrate on the job."
4. "To all men with an opinion. Don't be AFRAID to speak up! It's OKAY to be a man and have an opinion. Some women actually find it attractive"
5. "People often say to me, 'You've got your wife well trained' because she helps me with the housework. It's true. I'm so lucky."
Meeting the mayor
"Recently our 4-year-old grandson came home very excited as his kindergarten had just had a visit from the Mayor," writes Keith. "His mum, keen to find out what happened asked many questions and then said 'Do you know his name?' Yes, the little guy said - Lemon Brown. Such wisdom and he's not even a ratepayer!"
Edible six-pack rings
Saltwater Brewery, a craft beer company, wants consumers to toast to saving the ocean with their innovative edible six-pack rings. The company, based in Delray Beach, Florida, has created 100 per cent biodegradable six-pack rings that will feed marine animals rather than harm them if they end up in the ocean. The rings are made of material consisting of barley and wheat left over from the brewing process. (Source:
Did you know ...
1. Donald Duck has an ex-girlfriend named Donna Duck. She moves from Mexico to become Donald's neighbour and to make Daisy jealous.
2. Chris Kelly of the 90s rap duo Kris Kross always wore his pants backwards from 1991 until the day he died.
3. The average single male changes his sheets just four times a year. (Whereas unattached women change their linen every two-and-a-half weeks - or 26 times a year)
4. In 1990 Britain banned number plates with the number of the beast in them. Included in the report was a man who had a triple 6 numberplate who claimed his car was once attacked by a crazed fox and that birds had struck his windscreen 22 times.
"The reaction to the item about the disco helmet reminded me of an American I met years ago," writes Ian. "He lived here, was in love with the country, but said the people drove him crazy. He called us the 'but-what-if-people'. Every time someone suggests something a little crazy, or ambitious, or outside the square, the Kiwi chorus starts up 'but what if?' Lighten up, people."
Video: Russian drummer leads orchestra in Offenbach's Can-Can...Oh, and he's just three years old...