When being close is too close. Touch parking at Albany mall.
When being close is too close. Touch parking at Albany mall.
Insurance Game
Britain's Endsleigh Insurance Services recently launched its "Spoiler Cover" package, which allows Game of Thrones fans to receive financial compensation for plot lines ruined by friends, family or social media. With the HBO series' grand finale expected to air in the UK at 9pm today, a full 19hours after the final episode airs in the United States, the chances of plot leaks ruining fans' viewing experience are pretty high. One insurance company came up with the idea of appeasing disgruntled fans by offering them financial compensation up to the sum of £100 ($195) per person if they accidentally fell victim to spoilers or unwanted plot reveals.
"The Premier Dairy and Milk Bar at Pt Chevalier, about 1960, I believe one of the first milk bars in Auckland," writes a reader. "We were four local girls who were given free TT2s [iceblocks Tip Top had just introduced] by a male photographer on our way home from school. We had to stand outside the milk bar eating the TT2s (right) while he took photos. My mother was horrified when we told her about it. Thirty-plus years later I was told this photograph had been hanging in Tip Top's boardroom and was used as an early advertisement."
Diary spells delights
"The Baker's Diary in Avondale is a bakery, not a dairy!" writes Darren. "And the food is yummy and sells quickly. The baker is very hard-working. I guess his recipes are in his 'diary'. Had to say something because I love this place!" And Chris writes: "It's not sloppy signwriting — bakers need to keep track of the days as much as anyone. And they make the best croissants in Auckland."
Fairy lights and a bin have been added to this pole in Epsom which is allegedly right in the middle of a driveway.