A bunch of clever engineering students prototyped an edible adhesive tape, called Tastee Tape, to keep burritos and other wrapped foods sealed up during consumption. (In the image above, they used tape coloured with dye.) The team from Johns Hopkins University tested a "multitude" of ingredients and combinations before settling
Sideswipe: May 18: Burrito tape is here!

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Banned in America (not guns)
Brie cheese: The US government passed a law in 2004 stating that any cheese aged under 60 days imported to or sold in the US must be made with pasteurised milk. This means many kinds of cheese are banned.
Calling vegetarian substitutes "meat": In several states in the US it is illegal to label vegetarian products as "burgers" or "sausages". In several states in the US it is legal to carry a gun without a permit and, presumably, you can then call it a burger or whatever you want.
Business puns
Phil Marks writes: "Arborists seem to attract funny names - years ago I found a business card with a cartoon picture of a man in a trench coat and pulled-down trilby hat. Special Branch ..."