1. "Christmas 1963. At family gathering, listening to the second Beatles album, which my cousin had got for Christmas. Dad argues with his 8-year-old son (me) that The Beatles are a five minute wonder and will be long forgotten by next Christmas."
2. "Parents buyinga new computer circa 1993. Bought the best they could. Will you be needing a modem, techie asked. What's that for? To be able to use the internet. Oh, no. We won't be needing that. Won't catch on."
3. "Streaming will never catch on. People will always want the audio quality and physical artwork/inlay you get with CD/vinyl. The convenience isn't worth it."
4. "Text messages. Why would you waste your time typing a message, when you could just call them instead?"
5. "I was teaching German A level in May 1989 and had taught the history of Berlin. One student asked when I thought the Berlin Wall would come down. I said I didn't think it would come down in my lifetime. I often wonder what he thought when he watched events unfold five months later!"
6. "Me, NYE 2019 ... "2020 will be a good year, I can feel it."
7. " ... how scornfully I dismissed any suggestion that Trump could actually become president."
A reader writes: "My daughter got her school report, this was the comment from her Food Technology class (we used to call it Home Ec). 'She uses ongoing functional modelling and stakeholder feedback to develop an outcome that best addresses the specifications.' Not sure I do that when cooking!"
Holy writ
Church signs, collected by Steve and Pam Paulson for Church Signs Across America, 2006:
Be as good a person as your pet believes you are
Don't give up! Moses was once a basket case
Ch ch: What's missing? U r
Life is change, growth is optional
Eternity: smoking or nonsmoking
Give your troubles to God he's up all night anyway