Pardon me?
What was the most ridiculous name you've come across in real life?
1. Holidaying in the Scottish Highlands a few years ago, my uncle was treated by an elderly doctor called Donald Duck. He was about 5 years older than Disney's creation, and had lived with it all his life.
2. A guy once gave me his card. I didn't look at it and was about to throw it away when I noticed his name was Vanderson Anderson. I hung it on the wall by my desk, where it remains to this day.
3. A woman checked into the hotel I worked at and her name was Kimothy. Like her mother was confused what Kim was short for and panicked.
4. I was once sitting in a hospital waiting area and the receptionist called out for Jan Sandwich.
5. Mum went to school with Winsome Chicken.
6. I placed in a poetry competition in middle school and the woman who ran the competition was named Pegasus Buchanan.
7. I knew a guy called Hugh Cumber.
(Via @Fred_Delicious)

Crossing the ti?
Len writes: "Can't help noticing more and more firewood sellers and others are calling mānuka 'ti tree'. It's actually 'tea-tree', so-called because early settlers attempted to make tea with it, or so the story goes. The Māori name is mānuka, of course, and I believe 'tī' in Māori refers to the cabbage tree. Unless, of course, they really are selling cabbage trees for firewood, in which case they'd be right."