"Am loving the homepage feature photo that Lime Switzerland have chosen for their website," writes Ruth. "Showing two riders in the middle of the road, walking beside their Limes (not actually riding them), and with their eyes shut! What concerns me is that Lime Switzerland pulled all their e-scooters in Basel and Zurich in early January after multiple reports that brakes had locked without warning mid-ride, and a number of users had been injured (including a doctor who broke his elbow). Odd, indeed, that six weeks later Lime seemed surprised at reports that the same brake fault was happening in Auckland and Dunedin."
Crazy world of man-made women
Writing female characters can be a challenge for some male authors, with many veering off into some fantasy land devoid of real women, and the Twitter challenge — to describe yourself as a male author would — has resurfaced after journalist Lucy Huber tweeted: "She was beautiful but didn't know it. She was 5'7 and 101 pounds. Her feet were size 3. Her hat size was Infant. She'd never thrown up, even once. Her periods lasted 45 minutes. Her top was see-through." Laurie Dufrane added: "She seemed sad. But a sexy kind of sad. A deep, sexy sadness. A mysterious, sexy sadness, one I could never understand, because I will never ask about it. Because then it will not be sexy. Uh, basically she's like a wounded deer that I'm sexually attracted to. Is that sad? ... No."
Just in case you didn't get it the first time