Creeped out by this sign on Waiheke? #metoo.
Washing up
To spice things up on the handwashing front in these pandemic times, it has been suggested that singing Happy Birthday twice is the right amount of time to properly clean your hands, but that can get pretty tiresome pretty quick, so here are two alternatives ... The Chorus
of Toto's Africa:
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had.
Or for the cool cats, Prince's Raspberry Beret:
She wore a Raspberry beret
The kind you find in a second hand store
Raspberry beret
And if it was warm she wouldn't wear much more
Raspberry beret
I think I love her.
Or you could just count to 20.
Near death experience ...
"I was on a bouncy castle at a uni ball and my friend turned the pump off as a prank. My head was sealed in the deflating plastic and I was suffocating, kicking my legs wildly trying to free myself. I had almost passed out when someone noticed and pulled me out. It would have been quite an ignominious end."