Before the internet, what did teenagers do? Pore over the latest teen magazines ... teen pin-up of the day, advice on how to get a boyfriend, how to be popular and, of course, "makeovers".
1. I remember a page that consisted of readers accidentally showing people their sanitary towels, or
sneezing while walking past their "crush" in the street ... they were just manuals on how to get boys to notice you! (With a free clear lip gloss, of course.)
2. And having a spot was the worse thing ever. If you hadn't prevented said spot then you better go to great lengths to cover it up or your crush might see and fancy your friend instead. I unfortunately lapped all this up until I was about 15. The only thing I think I was sceptical about was the "True Life Stories", which I suspect were written by people who worked at the magazine. Always a cautionary tale about getting into a car with an older boy who was a joy rider and the poor girl in the story ended up losing a leg or something awful!
3. I was a teenager in the 90s. One particular article I remember was about how to look good when sunbathing on the beach. Their top tip was to dig a recess in the sand to put your bum and thighs in so the fat doesn't get squashed out to the sides and therefore you look thinner.
4. There was one called My Guy - full of pictures of brooding teens in stonewashed denim, white T-shirts and leather. All the girls had perms and the boys had floppy long hair.