Auckland Mayor reveals emergency recovery plan, work continues on Coromandel highway cut off by landslides and cold snap hits the country in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Life’s short: Don’t let the grass grow under your kayak
Spotted in Pilot Bay, Mt Maunganui.
Spotted in Pilot Bay, Mt Maunganui
Humans behaving badly
1. “On my wedding day while still at home my dad got a phone call that my grandma wouldn’t be able to come because she was in bad shape. Dad waslistening intently while we just stood there frozen with worry waiting to hear what on earth had happened, would she be okay or was she dying?! Then I saw my dad’s face going red, he swore and slammed down the phone. My grandma couldn’t come because she went to get her hair done and her regular hairdresser had called in sick. Cue her throwing a massive tantrum, calling everyone s***, storming off then calling my uncle that she wouldn’t come and will have a bath instead.”
2. “My grandma used to tell me a story about an uncle of hers called Noah. He was a pretty mean man. It was one of the kids’ birthdays and a lovely cake had been baked with a layer of icing and decorations on the top. Instead of cutting the cake in the normal way, he sliced a layer off the top of the cake horizontally (so basically all the icing and decorations), placed it on his plate and said: ‘that’s for me’, then proceeded to give all the kids plain sponge.”
Unfamiliar with a toaster?
Unfamiliar with a toaster? These instructions will be super helpful, then.
These instructions will be super helpful, then.
Hair home truths
A reader gets all philosophical about hair: “When your hair is wavy/curly, sometimes there is a fine line between “messy romantic waves” and “evil witch who lives in the woods”. When your hair is fine and straight, it can be either “sleek and elegant” or “weasel dipped in grease”. When your hair is thick, one woman’s “gorgeous vibrant bounce” is another’s “holy moly it’s Hagrid”.