In case of the need for a sit down between ablutions. (Also, is that the dog's dinner between the toilet and the bidet?)
In case of the need for a sit down between ablutions. (Also, is that the dog's dinner between the toilet and the bidet?)
Photo / Supplied
Did you know?
Kink in the chain: By passing a law requiring pharmacies to be owned by a licensed pharmacist, North Dakota has essentially done away with corporate chain pharmacies. Corporations that own pharmacies must be majority owned by licensed pharmacists.
Mentoring in the wild: Mature bull elephants play apivotal role in elephant society. The absence of mature bulls creates juvenile delinquency in younger bulls, who will soon enter musth (a rise in the reproductive hormones). When mature bulls were introduced into areas with a high concentration of delinquents, they soon put a stop to this behaviour.
Walking the walk: Dr Jochem Hoyer was a German transplantation surgeon who argued in favour of altruistic organ donations. After a colleague criticised him for praising “living donors as long as it is NOT you who has to donate”, Hoyer donated a kidney to an unknown stranger to make a “very strong statement”.
Roger writes: “Over the past several weeks a pedestrian crossing has been installed across Pah Rd in Royal Oak next to the entry to the Warehouse. Traffic management have used signs and cones to block first one side of Pah Rd and then the other side. The actual road works were completed over a week ago but the traffic cones and signs have remained. Obviously forgotten to be removed by the Traffic Management Company involved.”
Escape from Alcatraz with toothbrush?
Two men tunnelled through their Virginia Beach jail cell wall using a makeshift digging tool fashioned from a toothbrush and piece of metal. According to the sheriff’s office, they exploited a “construction design weakness” to make it out of the facility. Authorities shared mugshots with the public in hopes someone would spot them. And that’s just what happened, just a few hours after they broke out. Apparently, their great escape made them hungry for some pancakes.